Head Above Water
We’ve all heard the expression “I’m just trying to keep my head above water” at some point. There are (and will be) many times in our life when we’ll feel that way.
I feel that way now.
With the current state of things and getting the moving itch again, this feeling is coming on strong. I will say up front though that there are so many people out there who are dealing with MUCH worse. I know that. I understand that. But I also have to recognize my feelings and do what I can to fix things I’m able to in order to better myself and my family.
Homeschooling is something new we took on this year. It is both wonderful and challenging. I want to continue and know how I can make it better for the kids if we choose to continue next year. I’ve learned so much about each of the kids while trying to figure out this new situation. I also have to deal with my own assumptions and sometimes unreasonable expectations. As time flows, so does understanding.
It’s amazing how far behind on housework I can get with the kids and husband at home everyday. I very much love being able to see them all day and know they are safe…but boy I miss cleaning without worrying about others’ work. Yep, I just said that I miss cleaning. Truth.
Time for some planning and solutions! I’ve always been a list-maker and attempted-scheduler. I’m still learning how to schedule manageable tasks and expectations, yet I know I need checklists and goals. How to do that with others who depend on you for things?….Include them! My kids are finally old enough to start helping out with chores, so that’s one way of reducing my stress. They’re now in charge of their own laundry, keeping their rooms clean, cleaning their shared bathroom, cleaning the hard floors, helping with meals, and feeding the animals. My daughter often will volunteer to help vacuum the stairs as well, which is a big help with 4 animals!
Lately I’ve been battling with myself over gained weight, extra drinking (which has caused the weight), trying to find a workable schedule around the house, and the fact that I’ve put off the writing I hoped would develop more this year.
Grace…I must give myself some. We all must!